by Charlotte Curry | 3 Jun, 2021 | Annual General Meeting, Auditions, Committee, Membership, newsletter, Presidents Report, Shows, Volunteers
Harlequin is buzzing with anticipation of our long awaited season of Into the Woods from the 26th of June until the 10th July 2021. Read all about what we have been up to at the theatre over the past month by reading the May issue of our newsletter here.
by Charlotte Curry | 22 Apr, 2021 | Auditions, Committee, Membership, newsletter, Presidents Report, Shows, Volunteers
The excitement continues! There is always something going on at Harlequin Musical Theatre, and we can’t wait to share it with you all. Read all about it here.
by Charlotte Curry | 22 Apr, 2021 | Auditions, Committee, Membership, newsletter, Presidents Report, Shows, Volunteers
The theatre has been abuzz with excitement, read all about what we have been up to here, and what you can look forward to at Harlequin Musical Theatre in the future.
by Charlotte Curry | 20 Feb, 2021 | Auditions, Committee, Membership, newsletter, Presidents Report, Shows, Volunteers
The latest edition of the Harlequin Herald is available to read here. Read about all the exciting things that have been happening at Harlequin, and what you can look forward to in the coming weeks.
by Charlotte Curry | 21 Jan, 2021 | Auditions, Committee, Membership, newsletter, Presidents Report, Shows, Volunteers
Happy New Year and welcome to 2021! Here is the first newsletter for the year, and we can’t wait for what 2021 holds.
by Charlotte Curry | 14 Dec, 2020 | Auditions, Committee, Membership, newsletter, Shows, Volunteers
There have been so many exciting things happening at Harlequin, which has been a wonderful end to 2020. Read all about it here